
  1. Input Files

  2. Quick Start

  3. Options

  4. Basic Parameters

  5. Cleaning Functions

  6. Visualisation Functions

  7. Interpretation functions

  8. Editing functions

CIAlign is used to process multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) - sets of nucleotide or amino acid sequences which have already been aligned with an external tool.

Input Files

The input for CIAlign is an aligned MSA in FASTA format.

Quick Start

CIAlign --infile INFILE --outfile_stem STEM OPTIONS

Where INFILE is the FASTA file you would like to process, STEM is a prefix for the output files and OPTIONS lists the functions you would like to run and the parameters you would like to use.

For example, to run the remove insertions function, with default settings, on the file example1.fasta and generate ri_clean.fasta.

CIAlign --infile example1.fasta --outfile_stem ri --remove_insertions

To run all functions with the default settings (please use this option cautiously):

CIAlign --infile example1.fasta --all

Specifying Options

Parameters can be specified in the command line OPTIONS or in a config file.

A template config file is provided in CIAlign/templates/ini_template.ini - edit this file and provide the path to the --inifile argument.

CIAlign --infile INFILE --outfile_stem STEM --inifile my_inifile.ini

If this argument is not provided command line arguments and defaults will be used.

Parameters passed in the command line will take precedence over config file parameters, which take precedence over defaults.

Command help can be accessed by typing CIAlign --help

Basic Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--infile Path to input alignment file in FASTA format None
--inifile Path to config file None
--outfile_stem Prefix for output files, including the path to the output directory CIAlign
--all Use all available cleaning, visualisation and interpretation functions with default parameters False
--clean Use all available cleaning functions with default parameters False
--visualise Use all available mini alignment visualisation functions with default parameters False
--interpret Use all available interpretation functions with default parameters False
--silent Do not print progress to the screen False
--help Show all available parameters with an explanation None
--version Show the version None

Beside these main parameters, the use of every function and corresponding thresholds can be specified by the user by adding parameters to the command line or by setting them in the configuration file. Available functions and their parameters are specified below.

CIAlign always produces a log file, specifying which functions have been run with witch parameters and what has been removed. It also outputs a machine parsable file that only specifies what has been removed with the original column positions and the sequence names.

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_log.txt - general log file

  • OUTFILE_STEM_removed.txt - removed columns positions and sequence names text file

Cleaning Functions

The CIAlign cleaning functions are designed to address several common issues with multiple sequence alignments, affecting the speed, complexity and reliability of specific downstream analyses.

All of these functions remove columns or rows from the alignment to address sources of noise.

Each of these steps (if specified) will be performed sequentially in the order specified in the table below.

remove_divergent, remove_insertions, crop_ends and crop divergent require three or more sequences in the alignment, remove_short and remove_gap_only require two or more sequences.

Output files:

The “cleaned” alignment after all steps have been performed will be saved as OUTFILE_STEM_cleaned.fasta

The retain functions allow the user to specify sequences to keep regardless of the CIAlign results.

Remove Divergent

Removes divergent (outlier) sequences from the alignment. It is very common for an MSA to include one or a few outlier sequences which do not align well with the majority of the alignment. For some applications it is useful to remove these.

The remove divergent function specifically removes sequences with <= remove_divergent_minperc positions at which the most common residue in the alignment is present.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--remove_divergent Remove sequences with <= remove_divergent_minperc positions at which the most common base / amino acid in the alignment is present False NA NA
--remove_divergent_minperc Minimum proportion of positions which should be identical to the most common base / amino acid in order to be preserved remove_divergent_minperc_def remove_divergent_minperc_min remove_divergent_minperc_max
--remove_divergent_retain Do not remove sequences with this name when running the remove divergent function None NA NA
--remove_divergent_retain_str Do not remove sequences with names containing this character string when running the remove divergent function None NA NA
--remove_divergent_retain_list Do not remove sequences with names listed in this file when running the remove divergent function None NA NA

Remove Insertions

Removes insertions which are not present in the majority of sequences (or regions which are deleted in the majority of sequences). Insertions or other stretches of sequence which are only present in a minority of sequences can lead to large gaps, these are sometimes of interest but can also complicate downstream analysis.

The remove insertions function removes regions from the alignment which are found in <= insertion_min_perc of the sequences but are surrounded by >= insertion_min_flank columns of higher coverage.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--remove_insertions Remove insertions found in <= insertion_min_perc of sequences from the alignment False NA NA
--insertion_min_size Only remove insertions >= this number of residues insertion_min_size_def insertion_min_size_min insertion_min_size_max
--insertion_max_size Only remove insertions <= this number of residues insertion_max_size_def insertion_max_size_min insertion_max_size_max
--insertion_min_flank Minimum number of bases on either side of an insertion to classify it as an insertion insertion_min_flank_def insertion_min_flank_min insertion_min_flank_max
--insertion_min_perc Remove insertions which are present in less than this proportion of sequences insertion_min_perc_def insertion_min_perc_min insertion_min_perc_max

Crop Ends

It is common for an MSA to contain more gaps towards either end than in the body of the alignment, due to (for example) increased sequencing error towards the ends of reads, lower read coverage or assembly issues.

The crop ends function crops the ends of individual sequences if they contain a high proportion of gaps relative to the rest of the alignment. The number of gap positions separating every two consecutive non-gap positions at either end of the sequence is compared to a threshold (calculated from the total sequence length using crop_ends_mingap_perc) and if that difference is higher than the threshold, the start of the sequence will be reset to that position.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--crop_ends Crop the ends of sequences if they are poorly aligned False NA NA
--crop_ends_mingap_perc Minimum proportion of the sequence length (excluding gaps) that is the threshold for change in gap numbers. crop_ends_mingap_perc_def crop_ends_mingap_perc_min crop_ends_mingap_perc_max
--crop_ends_redefine_perc Proportion of the sequence length (excluding gaps) that is being checked for change in gap numbers to redefine start/end. crop_ends_redefine_perc_def crop_ends_redefine_perc_min crop_ends_redefine_perc_max
--crop_ends_retain Do not crop sequences with this name when running the crop ends function None NA NA
--crop_ends_retain_str Do not crop sequences with names containing this character string when running the crop ends function None NA NA
--crop_ends_retain_list Do not crop sequences with names listed in this file when running the crop ends function None NA NA

Note: if the sequences are short (e.g. < 100), a low crop_ends_mingap_perc (e.g. 0.01) will result in a change of gap numbers that is too low (e.g. 0). If this happens, the change in gap numbers will be set to 2 and a warning will be printed.

Remove Short

Removes short sequences below a threshold length.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--remove_short Remove sequences <= remove_min_length amino acids from the alignment False NA NA
--remove_min_length Sequences are removed if they are shorter than this minimum length, excluding gaps. remove_min_length_def remove_min_length_min remove_min_length_max
--remove_short_retain Do not remove sequences with this name when running the remove short function None NA NA
--remove_short_retain_str Do not remove sequences with names containing this character string when running the remove short function None NA NA
--remove_short_retain_list Do not remove sequences with names listed in this file when running the remove short function None NA NA

Remove Gap Only

Removes columns containing only gaps. This function is run by default, to not run this function specify --keep_gaponly.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--keep_gaponly Keep gap only columns in the alignment False NA NA

Crop Divergent

Some alignments have a region which is clearly of higher quality than the surrounding alignment, with less diversity and fewer gaps. This can be the case when regions have been extracted, e.g. from a full genome, but the start and end positions of the region of interest are not well defined·

The crop divergent function redefines the start and end positions of an alignment by looking for crop_divergent_buffer_size consecutive columns which have a minimum proportion of identical residues >= crop_divergent_min_prop_ident and a minimum proportion of non-gap residues >= crop_divergent_min_prop_nongap, then taking the first or last such column as the alignment start or end.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--crop_divergent Crop either end of the alignment until > crop_divergent_min_prop_ident residues in a column are identical and > crop_divergent_min_prop_nongap residues are not gaps, over buffer_size consecutive columns False NA NA
--crop_divergent_min_prop_ident Minumum proportion of identical residues in a column to be retained by crop_divergent divergent_min_prop_ident_def divergent_min_prop_ident_min divergent_min_prop_ident_max
--crop_divergent_min_prop_nongap Minumum proportion of non gap residues in a column to be retained by crop_divergent divergent_min_prop_nongap_def divergent_min_prop_nongap_min divergent_min_prop_nongap_max
--crop_divergent_buffer_size Minumum number of consecutive columns which must meet the criteria for crop_divergent to be retained divergent_buffer_size_def divergent_buffer_size_min divergent_buffer_size_max


These parameters allow the user to specify sequences which should not be removed from the alignment.

The sequences can be specified by providing one or more sequence names (--retain), a character string to match in the names (--retain_str) or a file containing a list of names (--retain_list).

The crop ends, remove divergent and remove short functions also have the option to specify sequence names to ignore with those specific functions only.

Parameter Description Default Value Min Max
--retain Do not edit or remove sequences with this name when running any rowwise function (currently remove divergent, crop ends and remove short) None NA NA
--retain_str Do not edit or remove sequences with names containing this character string when running any rowwise function None NA NA
--retain_list Do not edit or remove sequences with names listed in this file when running any rowwise function None NA NA

Visualisation functions

Each of these functions produces some kind of visualisation of an MSA.

Mini Alignments

These functions produce “mini alignments” - images showing a small representation of your whole alignment, so that gaps and poorly aligned regions are clearly visible.

Mini alignment example

In standard mini alignments, each nucleotide or amino acid is shown in a different colour, based on the palettes shown below.

Mini alignment example

Identity plot example

In identity plots, each nucleotide or amino acid in the cleaned alignment is compared to a consensus (generated with the majority_nongap method), with matches, mismatches and gaps shown in different colours. The colours for matches and mismatches are the extremes from the matplotlib palettes and can be changed with the plot_identity_palette parameter, the gap colour is fixed and set using the plot_identity_gap_col parameter.

Identity plot example

Similarity plot example

In similarity plots, each nucleotide or amino acid in the cleaned alignment is compared to a consensus (generated with the majority_nongap method) and a similarity score is calculated using a substitution matrix. The BLAST substitution matrices available here are used. All available matrices are listed here. This score is used to determine the colour to show in the plot. The colours are from the matplotlib palettes and can be changed with the plot_similarity_palette parameter, the gap colour is fixed and set using the plot_similarity_gap_col parameter.

Similarity plot example

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - visualisation of the input alignment

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - visualisation of the cleaned output alignment

  • OUTFILE_STEM_markup.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - visualisation of the input alignment with deleted rows and columns marked

  • OUTFILE_STEM_consensus_identity.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - visualisation of the differences between the cleaned alignment and a consensus (generated with the majority_nongap method)

  • OUTFILE_STEM_consensus_similarity.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - visualisation of the similarity between the cleaned alignment and a consensus (generated with the majority_nongap method)

Parameter Description Default
--plot_input Plot a mini alignment - an image representing the input alignment False
--plot_output Plot a mini alignment - an image representing the output alignment False
--plot_markup Draws the input alignment but with the columns and rows which have been removed by each function marked up in corresponding colours False
--plot_consensus_identity Plot a mini alignment showing positions which are identical to or differ from the consensus. False
--plot_consensus_similarity Plot a mini alignment showing positions based on their score when when compared via a substitution matrix to the consensus. False
--plot_dpi DPI for mini alignments 300
--plot_format Image format for mini alignments - can be png, svg, tiff or jpg png
--plot_width Mini alignment width in inches 5
--plot_height Mini alignment height in inches 3
--plot_keep_numbers Label rows in mini alignments based on input alignment, rather than renumbering False
--plot_force_numbers Force all rows in mini alignments to be numbered rather than labelling e.g. every 10th row for larger plots Will cause labels to overlap in larger plots False
--plot_sub_matrix_name Substitution matrix to use for similarity plots BLOSUM62 for amino acid, NUC.4.4 for nucleotide
--plot_identity_palette Matplotlib palette name for identity mini alignments. bone
--plot_identity_gap_col Colour for gap positions in identity mini alignments white
--plot_similarity_palette Matplotlib palette name for similarity mini alignments bone
--plot_similarity_gap_col Colour for gaps in similarity mini alignments white

Sequence logos

These functions draw sequence logos representing output (cleaned) alignment using the algorithm specified by [Schneider (1990)(]

Traditional “text” sequence logos can be produced as well as bar charts summarising the same information.


Text logo example


Bar logo example

You can also specify a subsection of the alignment using the logo_start and logo_end arguments, positions should be relative to the input alignment. If no cleaning functions are specified, the logo will be based on your input alignment.


  • OUTFILE_STEM_logo_bar.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - the alignment represented as a bar chart

  • OUTFILE_STEM_logo_text.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - the alignment represented as a standard sequence logo using text

Parameter Description Default
--make_sequence_logo Draw a sequence logo False
--sequence_logo_type Type of sequence logo - bar/text/both bar
--sequence_logo_dpi DPI for sequence logo 300
--sequence_logo_font Font (see NB below) for bases / amino acids in a text based sequence logo monospace
--sequence_logo_nt_per_row Number of bases / amino acids to show per row in the sequence logo, where the logo is too large to show on a single line 50
--sequence_logo_filetype Image file type to use for the sequence logo - can be png, svg, tiff or jpg png
--logo_start Start sequence logo 0
--logo_end End of sequence logo MSA length

NB: to see available fonts on your system, run CIAlign –list_fonts_only and view CIAlign_fonts.png

Statistics Plots

For each position in the alignment (input or output), these functions plot:

  • Coverage (the number of non-gap residues)

  • Information content

  • Shannon entropy

The following plots are also generated for the whole alignment (input or output).

  • Nucleotide or amino acid frequencies, for nucleotides the A/T(U) vs C/G content is also shown. For these plots, colours are based on the CBS palette.

  • For nucleotide alignments, the frequency of each nucleotide “change” relative to a consensus generated with the majority_nongap method.



Information Content


Shannon Entropy


Nucleotide Frequency


Amino Acid Frequency


Nucleotide Change


Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_coverage.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the input alignment coverage

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_coverage.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the output alignment coverage

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_information_content.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the input alignment information content

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_information_content.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the output alignment information content

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_shannon_entropy.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the input alignment Shannon entropy

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_shannon_entropy.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the output alignment Shannon entropy

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_resfreq.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the input alignment residue frequencies

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_resfreq.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the output alignment residue frequencies

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_changefreq.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the input alignment changes relative to the consensus (nt only)

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_changefreq.png (or svg, tiff, jpg) - image showing the output alignment changes relative to the consensus (nt only)

Parameter Description Default
--plot_stats_input Plot the statistics for the input MSA False
--plot_stats_output Plot the statistics for the output MSA False
--plot_stats_dpi DPI for coverage plot 300
--plot_stats_height Height for coverage plot (inches) 3
--plot_stats_width Width for coverage plot (inches) 5
--plot_stats_colour Colour for coverage plot (hex code or name) #007bf5
--plot_stats_filetype File type for coverage plot (png, svg, tiff, jpg) png


This function sets the colour palette for the mini alignments. Currently available palettes are colour blind safe (CBS) and bright.


CBS palette

Bright Bright palette

Parameter Description Default Value
--palette Colour palette. Currently implemented CBS (colourblind safe) and bright CBS

Interpretation Functions

These functions provide additional analyses you may wish to perform on your alignment.

Consensus Sequences

This step generates a consensus sequence based on the cleaned alignment. If no cleaning functions are performed, the consensus will be based on the input alignment.

Consensus sequences can be majority - the most common character in each column is used, including gaps or majority_nongap - the most common non-gap character is used.

Where the two most frequent characters are equally common a random character is selected.

Once the consensus has been generated, gap positions are automatically removed, specifying ---consensus_keep_gaps prevents this.

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_consensus.fasta - the consensus sequence only

  • OUTFILE_STEM_with_consensus.fasta - the cleaned alignment plus the consensus

Parameter Description Default
--make_consensus Make a consensus sequence based on the cleaned alignment False
--consensus_type Type of consensus sequence to make - can be majority, to use the most common character at each position in the consensus, even if this is a gap, or majority_nongap, to use the most common non-gap character at each position majority
--consensus_keep_gaps If there are gaps in the consensus (if majority_nongap is used as consensus_type), should these be included in the consensus (True) or should this position in the consensus be deleted (False) False
--consensus_name Name to use for the consensus sequence in the output fasta file consensus

Position Frequency, Probability and Weight Matrices

These functions are used to create a position weight matrix, position frequency matrix or position probability matrix for your input or output (cleaned) alignment. These are numerical representations of the alignment which can be used as input for various other software, for example to find regions of another sequence resembling part of your alignment. PFMs, PPMs and PWMs are described well in the Wikipedia article here.

You can also specify a subsection of the alignment using the pwm_start and pwm_end arguments, positions should be relative to the input alignment.


  • OUTFILE_STEM_pwm_(input/output).txt - position weight matrix representing the alignment (or part of the alignment)

  • OUTFILE_STEM_ppm_(input/output).txt - position probability matrix representing the alignment (or part of the alignment)

  • OUTFILE_STEM_pfm_(input/output).txt - position frequency matrix representing the alignment (or part of the alignment)

  • OUTFILE_STEM_ppm_meme_(input/output).txt - position probability matrix representing the alignment (or part of the alignment) in the format used by the MEME software suite.

  • OUTFILE_STEM_blamm_(input/output).png - position probability matrix representing the alignment (or part of the alignment) in the format used by the BLAMM software tool.

Parameter Description Default
--pwm_input Generate a position frequency matrix, position probability matrix and position weight matrix based on the input alignment False
--pwm_output Generate a position frequency matrix, position probability matrix and position weight matrix based on the cleaned output alignment False
--pwm_start Start the PWM and other matrices from this column of the input alignment None
--pwm_end Start the PWM and other matrices from this column of the input alignment None
--pwm_freqtype Type of background frequency matrix to use when generating the PWM. Should be 'equal', 'calc', 'calc2' or 'user'. 'equal', assume all residues are equally common, 'calc', frequency is calculated using the PFM, 'calc2', frequency is calculated using the full alignment (same as calc if pwm_start and pwm_end are not specified). equal
--pwm_alphatype Alpha value to use as a pseudocount to avoid zero values in the PPM. Should be 'calc' or 'user'. If alphatype is 'calc', alpha is calculated as frequency(base) * (square root(n rows in alignment)), as described in Dave Tang's blog here, which recreates the method used in Wasserman & Sandelin 2004. If alpha type is 'user' the user provides the value of alpha as pwm_alphatype. To run without pseudocounts set pwm_alphatype as user and pwm_alphaval as 0 calc
--pwm_alphaval User defined value of the alpha parameter to use as a pseudocount in the PPM. 1
--pwm_output_blamm Output PPM formatted for BLAMM software False
--pwm_output_meme Output PPM formatted for MEME software False

Similarity Matrices

Generates a matrix showing the proportion of identical bases / amino acids between each pair of sequences in the MSA.

Output file:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_input_similarity.tsv - similarity matrix for the input file

  • OUTFILE_STEM_output_similarity.tsv - similarity matrix for the output file

Parameter Description Default
--make_similarity_matrix_input Make a similarity matrix for the input alignment False
--make_similarity_matrix_output Make a similarity matrix for the output alignment False
--make_simmatrix_keepgaps 0 - exclude positions which are gaps in either or both sequences from similarity calculations, 1 - exclude positions which are gaps in both sequences, 2 - include all positions 0
--make_simmatrix_dp Number of decimal places to display in the similarity matrix output file 4
--make_simmatrix_minoverlap Minimum overlap between two sequences to have non-zero similarity in the similarity matrix 1

Editing Functions

Extracting part of the alignment

This function allows the user to specify a start and end position to isolate part of the alignment, using the –section_start and –section_end position. The section must be at least 5 residues in length. The section which has been isolated will then be used for all other processing with CIAlign.

If parsing functions are also specified, the positions output in the log files will be relative to the original input file, rather than the section.

Parameter Description Default
--get_section Allows the user to specify a section of the alignment to be extracted and processed False
--section_start Start position in the original alignment for the section to be extracted None
--section_end End position in the original alignment for the section to be extracted None

Replacing U or T

This function replaces the U nucleotides with T nucleotides or vice versa without otherwise changing the alignment.

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_T_input.fasta - input alignment with T’s instead of U’s

  • OUTFILE_STEM_T_output.fasta - output alignment with T’s instead of U’s


  • OUTFILE_STEM_U_input.fasta - input alignment with U’s instead of T’s

  • OUTFILE_STEM_U_output.fasta - output alignment with U’s instead of T’s

Parameter Description Default
--replace_input_tu Generates a copy of the input alignment with T's instead of U's False
--replace_output_tu Generates a copy of the output alignment with T's instead of U's False
--replace_input_ut Generates a copy of the input alignment with U's instead of T's False
--replace_output_ut Generates a copy of the output alignment with U's instead of T's False

Unaligning (removing gaps)

This function simply removes the gaps from the input or output alignment and creates and unaligned file of the sequences.

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_unaligned_input.fasta - unaligned sequences of input alignment

  • OUTFILE_STEM_unaligned_output.fasta - unaligned sequences of output alignment

Parameter Description Default
--unalign_input Generates a copy of the input alignment with no gaps False
--unalign_output Generates a copy of the output alignment with no gaps False

Removing Duplicates

This function removes sequences with duplicate names from the alignment, keeping the first (by default) or last (if specified) instance of the name, rather than failing if duplicated names are present.

Output files:

  • OUTFILE_STEM_cleaned.fasta - the cleaned output file generated by CIAlign will have the duplicates removed

Parameter Description Default
--deduplicate_ids Remove sequences with duplicate names from the input. False
--duporder Set to first to keep the first instance of the sequence name and last to keep the last first